
If you are searching for other popular financial instruments as opposed to the traditionally traded equities, currencies and bonds, then consider investing in commodities. When you add commodities to your trading portfolio, you automatically increase your chances of earning higher profits and also end up lowering your risks of losses.

Why India Advantage?

At India Advantage, we let you trade a wide variety of commodities with minimal efforts. Our financial experts can provide you with best in class derivatives trading opportunities and services. We also offer value added services to maximize your trading experience.

Here's why you must turn to us:

  • We conduct and compile extensive research, products and suggestions to provide you with excellent derivatives trading services.
  • Transfer funds in real-time.
  • Get customized offers on the basis of your trading profile i.e. hedger, trader, investor or speculator.
  • We are committed to providing 100% customer satisfaction.
  • Our solutions and offerings are tailored to meet your derivatives trading needs.
  • We emphasize on providing enhanced trading and customer experience.

When you choose us, we provide you with the option of trading different commodities including metals, bullion, agro, energy etc in MCX. We also provide intra-day investors with unique tool for leveraging despite restricted margins.

Secured Commodities Trading

The safety of our client’s funds is paramount to us. That’s precisely why we offer secured commodity trading services to our clients. We use advanced technology to ensure that you enjoyed secured financial trading.


We conduct extensive research to provide investors with actionable strategies for commodities trading. Our highly specialized technical and fundamental research team carried out in-depth research to provide long-term and intra-day traders with information as well as data that enable them to create spread related strategies and take position based calls.


With our paperless commodities trading services and quick executions, you will enjoy enhanced trading experience. Our advanced platform and services make trading simple and hassle-free. We are widely trusted by investors for our efficient, smooth and reliable commodities trading solutions. We are committed to meeting and exceeding our client expectations and thus offer unique customized commodities trading plans that meet your exact requirements.


Our years of experience in wealth generation coupled with our ability to carry out fundamental and technical research/analysis allows us to deliver excellent platform, products and dedicated client services on a recurring basis.


To know more about our commodities trading solutions, click here!
